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We find the hotel or the perfect event venue for your corporate event



vmdebug PHP 5.4
vmdebug Show All Errors
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vmdebug vmTime: time to load config: 0.00284385681152344
vmdebug getVendorId normal shopper
vmdebug Created new cart
vmdebug Created new Calculator Instance
vmdebug Use setMenuItemId
Seminar hotels

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Seminar hotels
  • 67 Rooms
  • Maximum capacity 36 guests
  • 4 Seminar rooms
RTerre et Mer 18868108/
Pearl of the Var coastline, Bandol offers visits an exceptional environment in perfect harmony with the natural beauty of the "Calanques", the Aleppo pines and the turquoise waters of the...


Seminar hotels
  • 53 Rooms
  • Maximum capacity 35 guests
  • 3 Seminar rooms
La Salle Riviera2727/2035/35
Located in the unique setting, the luxury hotel La Pérouse give an exceptional view over the Bay of Angels. Management and VIP seminars, motivational retreats, etc. The luxury and...

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