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We find the hotel or the perfect event venue for your corporate event



vmdebug PHP 5.4
vmdebug Show All Errors
vmdebug LangCount: 1 $siteLang: en-GB self::$vmlangSef: en self::$_jpConfig->lang en_gb DefLang en_gb
vmdebug vmTime: time to load config: 0.00291705131530762
vmdebug getVendorId normal shopper
vmdebug Created new cart
vmdebug Created new Calculator Instance
vmdebug Use setMenuItemId
Seminar hotels

Filtres Recherche


Seminar hotels
  • 79 Rooms
  • Maximum capacity 150 guests
  • 6 Seminar rooms
Relais 1 + 2 + 34644/87150/120
The atmosphere of Ch


Seminar hotels
  • 90 Rooms
  • Maximum capacity 220 guests
  • 9 Seminar rooms
In a 20's style architecture with Andalucian influences for the patio, Hotel de Chiberta et du Golf profits from an exceptional situation at the heart of the golf course and 300 metres from the...

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