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We find the hotel or the perfect event venue for your corporate event



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vmdebug End used Ram 23M
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vmdebug vmTime: vm view Finished task : 0.184736967086792

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HomeSeminar hotelsCGH R


Seminar hotels

- Seminar hotels

The hotel

More than just a residence, "Kalinda Village" is, as its name suggests, a village in the heart of the new station full of Espace Killy, Tignes 1800.The residence has two meeting room of 120 and 127 m


Free access to the wellness area of the hotel Free wifi in the workrooms and apartments Baggage services Covered parking (extra)


Lyon Saint-Exup


Bourg Saint-Maurice : 33 km

Demande de devis à l'hôtel


Single apartment with 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom Twin apartment with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom Appartment twin / triple with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms


The restaurant is located near the residence where our chef waiting for you to discover the culinary pleasures.

Seminar rooms

9 subcommittee 2 meeting room


Heated indoor pool, sauna, steam room, whirlpool and cardio room (included in delivery)Our SPA O THE SUMMIT where you can enjoy treatments and massages that we offer (surcharge)

Incentive activities

We take care of all the organization of your incentive activities, teambuilding or fun with the collaboration we have with the best service station.You can explore the challenges Multigliss, snowshoeing or dog sledding, tobogganing and much more ...

Obtenir un devis

Type d’événement que vous souhaitez organiser* :

Dates de l’événement * : 


Dates flexibles

Nombre de participants * :

Budget approximatif :




Nom et prénom* :

Société *:


Email professionnel * :

Téléphone* :


valider -

recevoir des devis gratuits

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