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We find the hotel or the perfect event venue for your corporate event



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HomeSeminar hotelsCh


Seminar hotels

- Seminar hotels

The hotel

The prestige positioning of the Ch


Business Centre, free Wifi Internet access. Laundry.


Executive or Classical bedrooms, elegantly decorated and equipped with the latest technology, including Wifi Internet access. The bedrooms open onto the Ch


The "Les Platanes" restaurant (300 covers and fully adjustable) proposes a traditional, upscale cuisine, served in an elegant ambiance bathed in natural daylight. In fine weather, service on terrace (150 covers).

Seminar rooms

Located on the ground or upper floors, the rooms are air-conditioned and give onto the park or the orchard. The "Sequoia" rooms can host car exhibitions thanks to their wide entrances. The "Ch

Configuration h Day light
SChOrangerie 42 35 / / 70 / 60 / 88 NO
Abricotiers 25 22 / 30 50 / / / 55 NO
Prunelliers 18 16 / 25 45 / / / 50 NO
PCerisiers 16 14 / 20 30 / / / 35 NO
Pommiers 12 10 / 10 25 / / / 30 NO
Poiriers / Figuiers 12 10 / 8 15 / / / 25 NO
Arbousiers / NNoyers / Noisetiers 12 10 / 8 15 / / / 25 NO
Roses 30 25 / 28 45 / / / 60 NO
Roses & Lys / / / / / 40 80 / 100 NO
Coquelicots 18 16 / 20 40 / / / 50 NO
Hortensias / ClCamLilas 12 10 / / 15 / / / 25 NO
Glycines 8 6 / / 15 / / / 25 NO
Rhododendrons 8 6 / / 10 / / / 20 NO
Buis 14 12 / / 20 / / / 35 NO
Houx 8 6 / / 10 / / / 20 NO
Ifs 8 6 / / 15 / / / 25 NO
Citronniers / 12 14 8 20 / / / 30 NO
Amandiers / 10 12 8 15 / / / 25 NO

The Park, dominated by centuries-old trees, is an appealing spot for strolls or jogging. Fitness centre, body-building room, indoor swimming pool, sauna, hammam, jacuzzi and tennis court. The "Les Charmes" bar offers a relaxing atmosphere and view of the Ch

Incentive activities

Whatever you wish for to enhance the exchange of ideas, to facilitate communication, to establish a cohesion of spirit or to celebrate your success... We have the adapted programme. Just let us know your wishes, and we make them come true.

Obtenir un devis

Type d’événement que vous souhaitez organiser* :

Dates de l’événement * : 


Dates flexibles

Nombre de participants * :

Budget approximatif :




Nom et prénom* :

Société *:


Email professionnel * :

Téléphone* :


valider -

recevoir des devis gratuits

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