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We find the hotel or the perfect event venue for your corporate event



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HomeSeminar hotelsH


Seminar hotels

- Seminar hotels

The hotel

At the end of an extensive transformation program completed in 2010, this "Belle Epoque" Palace is today a perfect blend of classicism and modernity, the guarantee of real success with up to 200 rooms for your groups. Discretion and refiment characterize this palatial Hotel, listed as an historic monument, offering an unimpeded view of the port of Monaco. Among its many salons, the Majestic salle Belle Epoque and the new salle Eiffel provide magnificent settings for successful events.


Hotel Hermitage features : wifi, Bell man, private parking, room service, business center, free shuttle,...


With a lot of sea-view in <> style but very discreet, these rooms give a foretaste of what the hotel can offer... With classsic furnishings, they are decorated in tones of beige and red, or beige and blue, with soft fitted carpets that give the impression of walking on air.


Acclaimed Chef Jo

Seminar rooms

Unfurling its many talents and with its 13 meeting rooms, the H

Configuration h Day light
Salon Auguste / 12 / 12 20 / / / 25 NO
Salon Costa / 16 / 20 32 / / / 30 NO
Salon Trianon / 28 / 40 60 / 60 / 74 NO
Salon Jardin d'Hiver / 32 / 30 60 / 60 / 69 NO
Salon Excelsior / / / / / 70 100 / 102 NO
Salon Gustave / 28 / 33 60 / / / 48 NO
Terrasse Midi / / / / / 250 400 / 475 NO

Direct and free access to les Thermes Marins Monte Carlo a 6600m2 of wellness overlooking the sea(aquafitness, relaxation,...). Close to the mythic Casino of Monte Carlo.

Incentive activities

For your incentives : - The nautical club at the Monte Carlo Beach - Tennis courts at the Monte Carlo Country Club - The greens at the Monte Carlo Golf Club

Obtenir un devis

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Dates de l’événement * : 


Dates flexibles

Nombre de participants * :

Budget approximatif :




Nom et prénom* :

Société *:


Email professionnel * :

Téléphone* :


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