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We find the hotel or the perfect event venue for your corporate event



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HomeSeminar hotelsH


Seminar hotels

- Seminar hotels

The hotel

In the heart of the Gould pine tree park, a resolutely chic and urban hideaway. With its contemporary 1930's design, the Modern Art D


The Art Deco chic look continues throughout the hotel's 40 refurbished guest rooms, many which offer private terraces overlooking the sea and pine groves. Fine linens and internet capability are standard features; oversized suites also contain Jacuzzis.


Mediterranean cuisine and a superb wine list await guests at Alain Llorca's new bistro, the Caf

Seminar rooms

3 meeting rooms holding up to 40 people.

Configuration h Day light
Le Lounge 40 35 / 40 70 85 100 / / NO
La Veranda 15 15 / / / 24 30 / / NO
La Terrasse / / / / / 70 100 / / NO
La Pin La Piscine / / / / / 30 60 / / NO
Le Salon Piscine 14 18 / 16 25 20 40 / / NO
Le Petit Salon 10 10 / / 18 10 25 / / NO
Le Grand Salon 24 21 / 24 40 33 50 / / NO

To ensure that you relax and benefit from the C

Incentive activities

Nautical sports, tennis, golf, thalassotherapy, horse riding, skiing, yachting, scuba diving and hiking.

Obtenir un devis

Type d’événement que vous souhaitez organiser* :

Dates de l’événement * : 


Dates flexibles

Nombre de participants * :

Budget approximatif :




Nom et prénom* :

Société *:


Email professionnel * :

Téléphone* :


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recevoir des devis gratuits

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