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We find the hotel or the perfect event venue for your corporate event



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Seminar hotels

- Seminar hotels

The hotel

There are providential encounters, like moments of pure magic. It was in this way that the Suites du Nevada came into being. I am happy to have brought artists and artisans together around this magnificent project that was born out of their passion for the mountains, the source of their inspiration. It is a contemporary jewel whose sparkle shines today at the heart of a legendary resort, protected by its own eternal casket. I invite you to share in this understanding by revealing to you the art and style of entertaining in the mountains and to enjoy yourself like nowhere else.


Lounge with fireplace, Internet with WIFI access in the reception, the lounge and the bedrooms, Daily newspapers available in the reception, Service messages and weather report in the reception, Concierge service (car rental, restaurant reservation).


Lyon Saint-Exup


TGV Bourg St Maurice : 30 km

Demande de devis à l'hôtel


The chic and sober suites, huge as they are, provide a cushy, relaxed atmosphere.


An encounter with Jean-Michel Bouvier can only result in inspiring an extraordinary concept with which to celebrate the mountain-style cuisine. More than just a restaurant, "La Table en Montagne" is a sanctuary for lovers of creative cuisine and of authentic flavours, served in an unconventional atmosphere. A decor reminiscent of the forest and the mountains, mixing wood and rugged materials in an original and convivial setting. An homage to the land, where each creation enchants the eyes and palate alike.

Seminar rooms

1 meeting room holding up to 110 people.

Configuration h Day light
Edelweiss / 40 / 80 90 / 150 / / NO

Indoor swiming pool, spa, skiing.

Incentive activities

Sports challenges, adventure school, gala diner.

Obtenir un devis

Type d’événement que vous souhaitez organiser* :

Dates de l’événement * : 


Dates flexibles

Nombre de participants * :

Budget approximatif :




Nom et prénom* :

Société *:


Email professionnel * :

Téléphone* :


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recevoir des devis gratuits

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