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We find the hotel or the perfect event venue for your corporate event



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Seminar hotels//Najeti H

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HomeSeminar hotelsNajeti H

Najeti H

Seminar hotels

- Seminar hotels

The hotel

Located between dune and forest, the Best Western H


Free WLAN WiFi, laundry, luggage room.


The hotel has 80 rooms, 1 suite and 25 apartments. Its wide and luminous rooms offer you a peaceful view on the park or on the forest. Its apartments, composed of a room and a living room are very appreciated for your seminars with twin-room accommodation.


With its welcoming atmosphere, its warm decoration and its gourmet menu, the hotel's restaurant is one of the most acclaimed in Hardelot. On the menu: regional fare prepared with seasonal products by our talented Chef.

Seminar rooms

12 meeting rooms ail with daylight - from 20 to 1000 m2

Configuration h Day light
Salon du Golf 10 / / / / / 20 / 20 YES
Salle La Boutique 10 / / / / / 25 / 25 YES
Salle Dickens / 12 / 23 30 / 35 / 40 YES
Salle FranSalle Chantaco / 12 / 25 30 40 65 / 75 YES
Salle Simpson / 21 / 32 50 / 55 / 60 YES
Salle VoliSalle Muirfield / 18 / 35 60 60 90 / 100 YES
Salle Valderrama / 40 / 80 100 70 100 / 105 YES
Salle Turnberry / 40 / 80 100 70 100 / 105 YES
Salle Louis Bleriot / 34 / 80 120 / 110 / 125 YES
Salle Augusta / 55 / 120 200 180 210 / 220 YES
Salle Saint-Andrews / / / / 800 600 950 / 1000 YES

outdoor swimming pool (heated from May to September), outdoor tennis courts, bowling_pitch, gaming room with billiards and babyfoot, sauna.

Incentive activities

sand yacht, mutli-activities challenge golf etc ...

Obtenir un devis

Type d’événement que vous souhaitez organiser* :

Dates de l’événement * : 


Dates flexibles

Nombre de participants * :

Budget approximatif :




Nom et prénom* :

Société *:


Email professionnel * :

Téléphone* :


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recevoir des devis gratuits

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