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We find the hotel or the perfect event venue for your corporate event



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Seminar hotels//Pavillon de la Rotonde et Spa

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HomeSeminar hotelsPavillon de la Rotonde et Spa

Pavillon de la Rotonde et Spa

Seminar hotels

- Seminar hotels

The hotel

Implanted in the heart of the former health resort of Charbonni


All propose the same level of comfort: WIFI, air conditioning, privative terrace and high technology equipment, spacious bathrooms and a direct access to the center SPA of 900m


Deluxe Standard Room ,he generous proportions of the deluxe rooms ally harmoniously in the style of the 1930s and that of the contemporary decoration. Every deluxe room is conceived according to a unique aesthetic approach conferring it a specific atmosphere. Junior Suite of 75m


The gourmet restaurant

Seminar rooms

Marsonnat : 36m

Configuration h Day light
Espace Lounge / / / / / / 65 / 65 YES
Terrasse du pavillon / / / / / / 100 / 100 YES
Salon Marsonnat / / / / 12 / / / 31 YES
Salon Georges / 18 / 30 50 30 50 / 50 YES
La Rotonde / / / / / 90 100 / 100 YES
Le Grand Cercle / / / 200 550 420 / / 450 YES
La Coupole / / / / 55 32 / / 55 YES

Gastronomic restaurant two michelin stars, beauty center of 900m

Obtenir un devis

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Dates de l’événement * : 


Dates flexibles

Nombre de participants * :

Budget approximatif :




Nom et prénom* :

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Email professionnel * :

Téléphone* :


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recevoir des devis gratuits

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